What Is Computer And Generation Of Computer

        In this blog, we will learn about what is computer and what is its generation. What is Computer? With this in this blog, we will know how much and why the generation of Computer is. With this we will see who invented it and what are the benefits of computers and what are its applications, we will know all about this in this blog. So let's start.

What is a computer  

        what is Computer ? Everyone knows that a computer is an electronic device. Is this all that computer means? The answer is no. Computer doesn't just mean that, so let's know what it means in easy language and how it works. A computer is an electronic device that works according to your instructions. Computer The word is derived from a Latin word "Computare". This means doing COMPUTE. How computers work now they understand. The computer first takes instructions from the user which is called Input in computer language. The computer processes the user's instructions and you see the result. That result is called Output in computer language. I understand you in easy language. If someone clicks on the computer's screen, or types something on the keyboard, it goes to the computer as input. Taking this input, the computer processes it on which the results are generated. Later, we can see that result on the computer screen.

                       Input data ----> Processing ----> Output

Father of Computer (Inventor of computers)

        Charles Babbage is the father of modern computers .According to Wikipedia He is also called the "father of computers". Charles Babbage built the first mechanical computer in 1937 in the beginning of the decade. This computer is also known by the "analytical engine".

Computer Generation:

        The development of computers is described in the generation of computers, it describes how the development of computers. Who made it first, what changes did it make and then it all comes into it. So let's talk about the generation of computers.

Computer's 1st Generation (First generation of computers) 1946-1956 

        The first generation of computers began in 1946 and lasted until 1956. In this generation, the "Vacuum Tube" was used to make computers. "Magnetic Drum" was used for its data storage. Data storage means you call it "Memory". They were quite large in size and used a lot of air conditioner to cool it. It uses "Assembly language".

Computer's 2nd Generation (Second Generation of Computers) 1956-1964 

        The second generation of computers lasted from 1956 to 1964. In the second generation, "Transistor" was used instead of "Vacuum Tube" to make computers. In 1947 Transistor was invented by William Shockley.  Compare with first generation
speed was greatly improved in terms of reliability. Second-generation computers had become much smaller than the first-generation. It used high level language such as "COBOL" and "FORTRAN".

Computer's 3rd Generation (3rd generation of computers) 1965-1971 

        The third generation of computers began in 1965 and lasted until 1971. In this, "IC" came to be used on the junction of "Transistor". IC means Integrated Circuit. In which the transistor was broken and put a small piece inside the "Sillicon Chip" which is called Semi Conductor. The use of this made the computer's size very useful and the voice also decreased significantly. This made it easier to move the computer easily. Computers of this generation had become more reliable and dynamic.

Computer's 4th Generation (4th generation of computers) 1971-1985

        The fourth generation of computers became operational in 1971 and lasted until 1985. In this, the first time "Microprocessor" was used. In this generation IC (Integrated Circuit) was more developed which is called Large Integrated Circuit. An IC part can work repeatedly with a 300000 Transistor. This innovation brought the entire Central Processing Unit inside a small chip called a "Microprocessor". Computers made using it are called Micro Computer. The speed and reliability of computers increased even more in this generation.

Computer's 5th Generation 1985 ( 5th generation of computers) 1985 - Present 

        The fifth generation of computers started in 1985, which is still going on. Artificial intelligence is being used in computers of this generation. In which machine learning is done. In this generation of computers, efforts are on to reduce the size of the computer every day. As a result, we are able to see computers of the size of a watch also. Every day, a lot of technical changes are being made, due to which work is being done by this, with this speed has also improved. Started installing "Very Large Integrated Circuit" in computers of this generation. As a result of Artificial Intelligence, the computer has the ability to make decisions on its own. An example of Artificial Intelligence is you can take Google Assistant which is created using Artificial Intelligence.

Computer Applications:


        It has a huge contribution in the field of education. One can easily use computer and internet for taking any kind of information or education. It is a computer that can give you knowledge of any subject in one language in one click. Due to this, a lot of students and those who want to learn are giving priority to computers.


        Computers have proven to be a boon for health. Due to this, many Surrey technical equipment are being used. It is very helpful to do big operations due to computer, finding a cure for a disease. Along with this, a lot of its contribution is also found in medicine making.


        It also has a lot of contributions in research matters. The most important information is required to do research. Which makes it very difficult to find in books. With the help of computer, any information is accurately displayed in just 1 click. Due to which, there is great benefit in doing any research and it also increases the speed in work.


        Prior to traditional business, its scope was limited. Which used to be spread in only one city or vicinity. Even if the business had to grow, it had to be a huge power. But in this computer and Internet era, this work can be done from home. In which time is also saved and there is a lot of help in expanding business abroad.
        So in this blog you learned what is computer, who invented it, what is the meaning of its generation and what is the generation. Which generation lasted from when? With this, you also saw what is there. If you found this blog useful, please share it with your friends.       Thank you !


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